Quandopasso ™ is a new, innovative, patented OTT cloud system designed to easily allows for interactive, geo-referenced and managed mobility on any environment, from small cities to large motorway networks.

The system allows road, city and area managers to visualize and quantify traveling users, and communicate with them directly, via proprietary or Customer Apps.
Quandopasso acts as an Over The Top application and can be easily integrated with existing control room systems and information flows.
Quandopasso is designed to avoid any interaction between drivers and smartphones, therefore maximizing safety and law compliancy, since all messages are delivered through audio. This is what we mean by “Connected Information On The Move”.

The cloud-based virtual Control Board allow System Managers to interact directly with users, providing them with information and virtual signage, either in emergency or normal conditions.
Messages and signs can also be assigned to specific area or road section, either in dynamic or fixed form such as virtual variable messages panels
Quandopasso ™ comes as a SAAS package, with business models customized according to the specific needs of the Customers.