DriveBud is your car buddy: always there when you’re driving, ready to provide you real-time spoken alerts and insights to let you focus on the important thing: driving safely and effectively from A to B.
No need to open or touch the app while driving: it will automatically start when you get on your car and stop once your trip is finished, to preserve battery.
Get real-time spoken alerts whenever you’re approaching a traffic jam, a speed camera or an area where the police is making planned speed checks.
Missed a message? Just ask to repeat an alert with a voice prompt, without touching your phone.
Works great in parallel to your favorite navigation app, complementing it with the alert categories that you need the most.
DriveBud is now entering its OPEN BETA TESTING phase: follow the below links to join the program and start using it.

Coming soon features:
- Alerts about cheapest gas stations of the surroundings (as soon as you’re approaching).
- Highway tollroad cost announcement (when approaching the tollgate).
- Virtual Tutor: get informed about your cumulated average speed on stretches where a measurement is approaching.
- Trip log recordings for travel expense reporting and possible speed fines tracking.